Homeopathy, (pronounced “home – eee – op – ah – thee”) is not a new invention in the medicinal world. Homeopathic medicine dates all the way back to the founding father of modern medicine, greek physician, Hippocrates. Hippocrates’ theory was that “like cures like” and afflictions could be cured when they were faced with similar symptoms. The word homeopathy actually stems from combining the Greek words homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering).
Although Homeopathic medicine has been around for centuries, modern homeopathic treatment practices only started to become standardized in the late 18th century. It rose to prominence when German physician Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann became frustrated with the highly invasive and largely ineffective medical practices of his time. In response to the lack of results, and actual harm the “treatments” were causing, Dr. Hahnemann began to seek other options.
Dr. Hahnemann drew from the wisdom of Hippocrates’ famous assertion that “like cures like” and begin developing the basic structure of the treatment protocol that still trains physicians and practitioners today.
In this article, learn how a homeopathic doctor works with patients based on these centuries old, time tested principles.